Unbricking now possible

To all those who bricked their device, and to all the others who aren't messing as much with it as they would if wasn't for the fear of bricking it.. fear no more, salvation is here! Thanks to the hard work and perseverence of our own community member M*L and the helpfulness of the OEM, there is now a solution. Check it out on the unbricking page and be sure to thank M*L in the comments here.
— animous
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page revision: 5, last edited: 22 Apr 2009 20:29
I bricked my unit too a while ago and contacted Curtis and COSHIP support to no avail (i bought another unit). Playing with the GPD359 will be much more enjoyable now that we have some form of hard reset option!
Makes the Curtis more useful than ever!
Oh, and congratulations for unbricking your units, I was rooting for you.
I'm having a problem with my touch screen, when I click on a spot, freaaakin thing registers the click 1.5 inches below what I actually clicked.
Of course you could say to calibrate it, but I have calibrated for 30 minutes in a seemingly never ending loop until the darn thing finally accepted the calibrations. You'd think it would work after that, but nope, saaaaame problem… this thing's driven me nuuuuutters
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