Thanks and credits
OEM | They are so friendly and helpful! Special thanks to Miss. Zhang and her customer service colleagues, Mr. Lin and his engineer colleagues and the international department staffs. 谢谢你们! |
M*L | None of this would have been possible without your efforts. Thanks! |
DISCLAIMER: Follow these instructions at your own risk. No one can be held responsible if this renders your device permanently unusable.
Please do not redistribute or direct link the file. Link to this page instead. Major effort was put into getting this from the OEM and as such, anyone downloading the file should see the thanks posted above.
filesize: 15.3MB
Step 1 - Bootloader
- Copy btld66c5.bld to the root of your SD card. There should be no other files in the root.
- Put the SD card in the device.
- Reset.
- You will see a blue screen for a short moment that says "Found bootloader. Update OK. Update done."
- Take the SD card out.
Step 2 - Formatting
WARNING: This erases all data in \ and in \ResidentFlash2, as well as wipes the registery. \ResidentFlash, where the Sygic software is stored, is left untouched.
- Copy YFormat.fmt to the root of your SD card. There should be no other files in the root.
- Put the SD card in the device.
- Reset.
- You will see a blue screen for a short moment.
- Take the SD card out.
Step 3 - Installing the boot logo and OS
- Copy os66c5.img and logo66c.bmp (optional, skip this file if you want to keep the default Curtis boot screen; or you can create your own logo by replacing a 320*240 and 24bit color bmp file with same file name) to the root of your SD card. There should be no other files in the root.
- Put the SD card in the device.
- Reset.
- You will see a blue screen that says "Update start. Found logo. Update OK. Found OS file.", then a read progress bar followed by a write progress bar.
- Take the SD card out.
Step 4 - Installing the YF menu and applications (Navigation, Ebook, Media, System)
- Copy YFAPP.wzp to the root of your SD card. There should be no other files in the root.
- Put the SD card in the device.
- Reset.
- You will see "The application updata file is found. Do you want update application?" Click "Yes".
- After the progress bar, you'll see "The system will reboot! Please POP the SD/MMC Card and press OK!".
- Take the SD card out and click "OK".
Has this been tested?
Yes, M*L and animous successfully unbricked their device with this procedure.
I'm stuck at HardwareTest when I boot the device
One of the reasons for this happening is that the YF software was not found in \ResidentFlash2. Make sure you run Step 4.
page revision: 23, last edited: 12 Jan 2011 21:01